Broadfield Business Park


Broadfield Business Park

Property description

  • A modern multi-let industrial estate developed in 2004/06 and located in Heywood, one of the premier industrial locations in North Manchester. The estate was acquired for an Institutional Investor in February 2013 for £11.45m. The estate provides 270,000 sq ft in 9 units on a self-contained, ring fenced site.
  • The property was acquired off-market and a detailed business plan was put in place including lease re-gearing, letting, re-branding and general asset management.
  • Upon completion of the business plan the estate was fully let and B8RE not only had improved the tenant mix but also the average rent from £4.58 per sq ft to £5.35 per sq ft and the AWULT from 3 years to 5.3 years to expiry. B8RE were subsequently instructed to sell the property and following a comprehensive marketing campaign the property was sold to GMPVF for £24.585m (5.49%).
  • The deal demonstrates how our investment and agency teams work in tandem to acquire off-market opportunities, see through a detailed business plan and complete a highly successful disposal for the client.


Broadfield Business Park, Heywood

Institutional Investor
Acquired February 2013.  Sold July 2017
269,334 sq ft
Multi-let with AWULT of 2.4 years on acquisition.  AWULT of 5.3 years (3.1 to break) on sale
Industrial investment acquisition and sale
Acquisition – £11.45m (10.2%), Sale – £24.58m (5.48%)